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Support for inline styles Completed

Request for adding support for multiple inline styles in a single cell.


GemBox.Spreadsheet support only getting and setting various style properties on the whole cell.
See the CellStyle members:

Also, see the attached input.xlsx file and the resulting file when we load and save it with a current GemBox.Spreadsheet.

Official response

Mario - GemBox


This feature request has been implemented and is available in the latest versions of GemBox.Spreadsheet.


Comments (4)

Alex Retzlaff
We have been loyal, long term customers of GemBox, but we are getting a bit annoyed at the lack of progress on some basic features like this one... Is there any chance of pushing this one along before year end?
Mario - GemBox
Hi, We are currently working on the component's optimization (we are especially focused on the reduction of the component's memory consumption) and we are applying some major refactoring to make missing features easier to implement. To add, Inline styles are planned to be implemented in 2015 (probably in the second quarter). Also please note that we are fully aware of the features that are missing and that in 2015 we are planning to add most of the features which are currently at the top of the Feedback page. Regards, Mario
Alex Retzlaff
Hey Mario, That is great to hear! Cheers, Alex
Ferdinand Wagner
I need it too!
