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Support conversion of HTML inline text formatting to Excel Completed

It is very important for me to have inline text formatting in HTML to be translated to Excel. Sometimes I have the formatting specified in style attributes and sometimes I have <font> tags, or <b>, <u>, and <i>. The most important inline font stylings for me are size, underline, colour, bold and italic.

Official response

Mario - GemBox


Yes, this is possible, this feature is in "Completed" stage.
Please try the following example:

ExcelFile ef = new ExcelFile&#40; &#41;;
ExcelWorksheet ws = ef.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");
ExcelCell cell = ws.Cells["A1"];

cell.SetValue("<span ><strong>Foo</strong> <em>Bar</em></span>", LoadOptions.HtmlDefault);


I hope this helps.


Comment (1)

C Jette
I would love for simple tags (
, , etc) tags to be able to used when adding content to a cell. Is this possible? If so, how? Thanks!