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Conversion Between Word and Excel New

With our word template using Gembox.Document we get pdf outputs and we need excel output at the same time.

We tried using Gembox.Document html output with Gembox.Spreadsheet to get excel export as Gembox.Spreadsheet is able to read/edit html files but because of Gembox.Document html export limitation we weren't able to get exact same format.

It would be great to have a feature to convert directly from word to excel and excel to word .

Comments (2)

Hoang Nguyen
I could definitely use the excel to word feature because we have spreadsheets with formulas that our users enters into and we want to incorporate the spreadsheet in our word reports.
Jim Plahitko
With a spreadsheet and document both in memory, it would be useful to insert a copy/clone of a spreadsheet table or chart in the document. This would include formatting etc. Or to copy from the document to the spreadsheet also.