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Callbackfunctions on Rendering/Saving Documents: PDF, Docs etc. New

It would be nice to have influence on the rendering of the documents (especially PDF).

For example to place Pagebreaks by program logic if a position on the page is reached.

Comments (2)

Mario - GemBox
Hi, I'm not sure what do you mean by "if a position on the page is reached", but nevertheless you can specify where the page breaks should occur by placing a SpecialCharacter of a PageBreak type on a required place: Regards, Mario
Alexander Scharpf
Hello, if you have a very long text. And a new section starts. With a new heading for example. And if you know the planned position on a document (callback) you can decide per program-logic do start a new page by place a specialcharacter etc. This may useful if the output-position is quite near to the bottom of a page. You can decide to start a new page. Thank you for your re-request